Evans Drum Scholarship, Musicians Institute, USA


Written By admin on Saturday, June 30, 2012 | 10:46 AM

Evans Drum Scholarship, Musicians Institute, USA : Musicians Institute and Evans Drumheads have created the Evans Drum Scholarship to assist advanced, stylistically diverse drummers with their educational development.

The Evans Drum Scholarship, sponsored by Evans Drumheads, is awarded each Fall and Spring to students (US or non-US citizens) enrolling in the Associate of Arts in Performance (Drums) program who demonstrate overall outstanding musicianship and stylistic versatility. The scholarship is applicable for students enrolled in the Drum performance program only, and may not be transferred to “non-performance program” emphases (Audio Engineering, Music Business, Independent Artist, Guitar Craft, or Film) within an AA degree.

The scholarship details and criteria are as follows:

    Available to international students and US citizens.
    Scholarship applicants must have submitted the Application for Admissions by the scholarship application deadline and must be entering the program for the first time.
    May only be applied to the Associate of Arts in Performance (Drum Program. Certificate and Encore programs are not eligible.
    The total scholarship amount will be $1000 each and credited towards the first quarter’s tuition.
    Scholarships are non-transferable, and may not be applied to any person, program or start date other than the one for which it was awarded.
    Award recipients will be notified one to two weeks after the final application deadline.

Requirements & Checklist:

    Scholarship Application.
    DVD video which must contain at a minimum: three (3) stylistically diverse songs on the drum set. It is recommended that this include two (2) live ensemble (band or duo) performances, and one (1) drum solo performance.

Application deadline:
For Programs Beginning: Fall 2012
Deadline is: August 24, 2012

Please return the above items to:

Musicians Institute
Scholarship Department
6752 Hollywood Blvd.
Hollywood, CA 90028

For more information, please visit official website: www.mi.edu
10:46 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Beasiswa MBA International Business di ITALIA

XXIII edition (September 2012 – September 2013)
Scholarship Competition

MIB School of Management of Trieste, Italy is pleased to announce a scholarship competition for applicants to the XXIII Edition of the MBA in International Business.

The Scholarships will go toward tuition fees to attend the XXIII edition of the MBA in International Business programme (September 2012 – September 2013).

The Scholarships will cover up to 50% of the tuition fees. The full tuition fees are equivalent to 25.000,00 EUR (21% VAT included). The amount of the scholarships will be discounted from the overall tuition fees. In case of course abandonment or exclusion for any reason, no amount of the scholarship will be paid or reimbursed.

Candidates must meet the following requirements:

    Academic degree (or equivalent qualification) in any discipline.
    Good working knowledge of English (TOEFL/IELTS/PTE certificate is recommended).
    Minimum 3 years of work experience.

MIB School of Management will award scholarships to the best candidates on the basis of educational qualifications, professional skills and motivation shown during the entrance interview.

To be considered for a scholarship, the application form for the programme must be completed on-line at www.mib.edu.

In order to finalize the application, the following documents must be received:

    Degree certificate and transcript
    Two letters of recommendation
    A certificate demonstrating adequate knowledge of English such as TOEFL/IELTS/PTE (alternatively, verification of skills may be made directly by the School)
    A deductive reasoning test score such as GMAT (alternatively, verification may be made directly by the School).

The documentation must be sent by July 9, 2012 to the following address:

Ms. Barbara Sepic
Admissions Officer
MIB School of Management
Largo Caduti di Nasiriya 1
34142 Trieste – Italy
e.mail: sepic@mib.edu
10:44 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Beasiswa Unggulan Teknologi Industri Kreatif (BUTIK) CIMB Niaga

Beasiswa Unggulan Teknologi Industri Kreatif (BUTIK) CIMB Niaga : Berangkat dari terbatasnya lapangan pekerjaan yang ada di masyarakat, aspek kewirausahaan bisa menjadi lokomotif perubahan dampak sosial yang berujung pada peningkatan taraf kehidupan ekonomi, melalui 3 pintu sebagai bottom line nya yaitu: financial, sosial dan lingkungan.

Dengan tujuan untuk menciptakan pelaku usaha yang mampu meng-encourage dunia bisnis untuk melahirkan lebih banyak creative social entrepreneurship muda sebagai lokomotif perubahan kearah bisnis dan kemandirian yang kooperatif, PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk (CIMB Niaga) bersama dengan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia (Kemdikbud RI) meluncurkan program Beasiswa Unggulan Teknologi Industri Kreatif (BUTIK) CIMB Niaga.

Program BUTIK CIMB Niaga merupakan program beasiswa yang diperuntukkan bagi para mahasiswa yang menjadi pelaku usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah, yang berlandaskan pada kewirausahaan sosial dan lingkungan (eco-social entrepreneurship).

Persyaratan peserta:

    Warga Negara Indonesia.
    Berusia maksimum 25 tahun (saat mengikuti beasiswa).
    Mahasiswa dari Universitas Negeri atau Swasta di seluruh Indonesia mulai semester 5 pada pendidikan jenjang S1 dan/atau mulai semester 3 pada pendidikan Vokasi/Politeknik (DIII).
    Memiliki IPK 4 semester berturut-turut minimal 2,75 (skala 4,00) pada pendidikan jenjang S1 dan/atau memiliki IPK 2 semester berturut-turut minimal 2,75 (skala 4,00) pada pendidikan Vokasi/Politeknik (DIII).
    Memiliki usaha aktif sedikitnya 6 bulan.
    Menyerahkan Laporan Usaha.
    Lolos seleksi yang ditetapkan CIMB Niaga dan Kemdikbud RI.


    Telah melaksanakan insiatif usaha/bisnis yang berorientasi memberikan solusi bagi masalah eco-social.
    Mampu memberikan Rencana Pengembangan Usaha yang efektif, yang sustain dan memberikan peningkatan manfaat bagi masyarakat.
    Mampu memberikan Rencana Stategis Penggunaan produk perbankan CIMB Niaga sebagai pendorong laju pengembangan usahanya.
    Pelaku insiatif usaha telah berjalan minimal 6 bulan (tidak harus berbadan hukum, namun dapat memberikan bukti otentik waktu usaha mulai berjalan).
    Memiliki rekening CIMB Niaga.
    Menyerahkan Laporan Usaha (Kinerja Keuangan dan Pemasaran).
    Lolos proses seleksi yang ditetapkan CIMB Niaga dan Kemdikbud RI.

Penerima BUTIK CIMB Niaga akan mendapatkan biaya pendidikan, biaya hidup dan subsidi modal usaha.

Data yang harus disiapkan adalah:

    Copy KTP
    Copy Transkrip Nilai (legalisir) 4 semester berturut-turut minimal 2,75 (skala 4,00) pada pendidikan jenjang S1 dan/atau memiliki IPK 2 semester berturut-turut minimal 2,75 (skala 4,00) pada pendidikan Vokasi/Politeknik (DIII).
    Copy Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa dan surat keterangan dari Universitas yang menyatakan bahwa Saudara/i masih terdaftar sebagai mahasiswa/i di Universitas tersebut.
    Laporan bisnis dengan content sebagai berikut:
        Bab I: Profil Bisnis (bentuk essay minimal 500 character) : disertai upload document pendukung company profil (pdf)
        Bab II: Laporan keuangan yang meliputi:
            Harga Pokok Penjualan
            Harga Jual Produk/Jasa
            Laba Kotor per Unit
            Laporan Total Penjualan
            Total Laba Kotor per Bulan
            Biaya Operasional per Bulan
            Laba Bersih
        Bab III: Cara Pemasaran Produk (bentuk essay minimal 500 character)
        Bab IV: Rencana Stategis Penggunaan produk perbankan CIMB Niaga sebagai pendorong laju pengembangan usaha (bentuk essay bentuk essay minimal 500 character)
        Bab V: Lampiran-lampiran:
            Dokumentasi (photo) aktivitas bisnis (upload photo max 3)
            Copy Rekening Transaksi 3 Bulan Terakhir.
            Copy Laporan Keuangan 3 Bulan Terakhir (apabila lolos seleksi, maka peserta wajib untuk menunjukkan asli laporan keuangan).
            Legal dokumen seperti akta notaris, Surat Ijin Usaha, Tanda Daftar Perusahaan (jika ada).

Pendaftaran dibuka mulai tanggal 30 Mei sampai dengan 28 September 2012 dengan melakukan registrasi online pada website ini. Untuk mendapatkan informasi lengkap, silakan mengirimkan email ke cimbniagascholarship@cimbniaga.co.id

Ayo, tunjukkan dirimu sebagai wirausaha muda yang berbakat dan berprestasi…!!!

For more information, please visit official website: www.cimbniaga.com
10:42 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Beasiswa FULL + biaya hidup utk mahasiswa asing di Universitas Jember

Beasiswa FULL + biaya hidup utk mahasiswa asing di Universitas Jember : Jember University (UNEJ) is granting full scholarships to foreigner students for undergraduate, master and PhD program Academic Year 2011/2012 in the following programs.

PhD Programs

    PhD in Administration Sciences

Master Programs

    Master of Management
    Master of Administration Science
    Master of Agribusiness
    Master of Agronomy
    Master of Economics Study

Undergraduate Programs

    Basic Sciences (Biology, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics)
    Agriculture Sciences (Agroecotechnology, Agribusiness, Agricultural Engineering and Post Harvest Technology)
    Social Sciences (Accounting, Economics, Management, Indonesian Language, Public Administration, International Relations, Sociology, Education Biology and Education Mathematics)
    Health Science (Public Health)
    Information System Study Programs

The full scholarship will cover the total tuition fee, living allowance, establishment, books, cloths and air fare ticket economic class (arrival and return) but not for other personal expenses.

Selection Criteria

    Applicants must be a citizen of a developing country
    Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of academic excellence (most recent grades), recommendations from principals / vice principals / teachers / government employers.
    Applicants should have an IELTS score at least 5 (no band under 5.0); or TOEFL score at least 450.
    Under 40 years old for PhD and Master Program.
    Under 25 years old for Undergraduate Program.

Benefits and Conditions

    Students are required to enroll in the year in which the scholarship is awarded. The scholarship cannot be extended.
    The scholarship will be renewed on an annual basis for the duration of the initial single degree (not double degree) subject to satisfactory performance of the student as determined by the University. Unsatisfactory academic performance will result of termination of scholarship.
    The University reserves the right to terminate the scholarship at any time if the student does not obey University rules and regulations or does not progress through programs at the normal full-time rate.
    Students who do not meet the minimum Indonesian language proficiency for their study are suggested to follow a pre-course language program for maximum of six months course, and the fee will be covered by University.

Sending the Application
All applicant documents can be sent via REGULAR MAIL or EMAIL.

REGULAR MAIL (Post or Courier)
The application should be clearly marked “Application for UNEJ Scholarship Program Academic Year 2012/2013” and mail to:

Bureau of Academic Affair
Jember University
Kalimantan Street. No. 37
Jember, East Java

Please send the documents (must be in PDF Format) to internationaloffice@unej.ac.id with the email subject “Application for UNEJ Scholarship Program Academic Year 2012/2013”

Fully completed application packages must be received by UNEJ Before and or 1 November 2012.

Selection results are expected to be available 2-3 weeks after the application deadline and only selected candidates will be contacted via email.

Application Checklist
Have you included in your application package?

    Completed Application for Admission to Degree Program form
    A certified copy with English translation of :
        senior high school graduation certificate for undergraduate program
        undergraduate certificate for master program
        master certificate for PhD program
    A certified copy of academic transcripts
    Evidence of English (IELTS/TOEFL) or Indonesian proficiency
    A certified copy of ID card.
    A submission in English or Indonesian from the applicant on why the applicant should receive a scholarship (one page).
    Letters of reference from principals/vice principals/teachers/employers.
    Research proposal for master program (3 pages)

Applications are not returnable and incomplete applications will not be considered.

For more information, please visit official website: international.unej.ac.id
10:40 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Beasiswa S1 S2 INGGRIS di University of Brighton - International Undergraduate & Postgraduate Scholarships, University of Brighton, UK

Beasiswa S1 S2 INGGRIS di University of Brighton - International Undergraduate & Postgraduate Scholarships, University of Brighton, UK : In 2012, 40 University of Brighton international scholarships worth a reduction of £4,000 off the cost of your tuition fees for each year of your course are available to new, full-time international undergraduate and postgraduate taught degree students.
The criteria for awarding University of Brighton international scholarships are primarily merit-based.

    Merit does not necessarily have to mean academic merit but could also be interpreted to include outstanding performance in a variety of spheres.
    The strongest candidates will be those demonstrating a mixture of academic merit (including English language ability) and other merit or outstanding achievement in a particular field of activity.
    You will also need to demonstrate that you have sufficient funds to pay the remainder of the fees.

In order to be eligible to apply for a scholarship you must be a new, full-time undergraduate or postgraduate taught degree international student with a minimum course duration of 1 year, and must have applied for the course of your choice at the University of Brighton, and have been offered a place on that course for 2012 entry.

Students studying foundation degrees or undergraduate degrees at University of Brighton partner colleges are not eligible for these awards. Existing international students are not eligible unless starting a new undergraduate or postgraduate programme.

How to apply
For the 2012 academic year, please email internationalscholarships@brighton.ac.uk, with your applicant or UCAS number in the subject line, and we will send you a scholarship application pack. The application form can then be returned electronically to the same email address or sent by post to the address indicated on the scholarship application form.

Deadline for application
Requests for scholarship application forms will be considered from 1 October 2011 for 2012 entry. The deadline for receiving scholarship applications back is 31 July 2012. Before that date, early applications will be processed and awards made at the end of April 2012 and then at the end of July. Decisions will be made by an Awards committee coordinated by the International Office, Registry, and decisions about scholarship awards will be communicated to applicants approximately two weeks after those dates. You are advised to apply as early as possible after you have received our offer, as the number of scholarships is limited. Please note any accompanying documentation will not be returned and the university’s Scholarship Award Committee’s decision is final.

Enquiries and advice
If you have any questions about these scholarships please contact the university’s International Office for advice.

    Tel: +44/0 1273 642409
    Email: internationalscholarships@brighton.ac.uk

For more information, please visit official website: www.brighton.ac.uk
10:38 AM | 0 comments | Read More

ASEAN Scholarships for Indonesia by Ministry of Education, Singapore


Written By admin on Wednesday, June 27, 2012 | 11:58 AM

ASEAN Scholarships for Indonesia by Ministry of Education, Singapore : The ASEAN Scholarships for Indonesia is tenable for 4 years leading to the award of the Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Advanced (GCE A) Level (or equivalent) certificate.

The Scholarship is for studies in selected Singapore schools from Secondary Three to Pre-University Two and is renewed annually, subject to the satisfactory performance of the scholar.

Students from Indonesia are welcome to apply for the ASEAN Scholarships for Indonesia to enter Singapore schools at the Secondary Three level. Candidates who are not short-listed for the scholarships will be considered for the Merit Awards.

Students who meet the following criteria are invited to apply for the scholarship:

    Nationals of Indonesia
    Born between 1996 to 1998
    Sat for 2012 SMP 3 National Final Evaluation Examination (UAN) and have done consistently well in school

Important Dates
Any dates given below are tentative and are subject to changes.

    Application Period: 1 June 2012 to 6 July 2012
    Selection Test: August 2012
    Selection Interview: September 2012
    Award of Scholarship: October 2012
    Arrival of Scholar in Singapore: November 2012

Candidates short-listed for the selection test/interview will be notified a week before the selection test/interview dates. We regret that only short-listed candidates will be notified.

Application Procedures
Applications will be opening soon.

Test and Interview Cities


Note: Medan, Surabaya and Singapore may be used as Test / Interview Centres if there are sufficient candidates.

Terms and Conditions

    Allowance of S$2,200 (Secondary) / S$2,400 (Pre-University) per annum with hostel accommodation
    Settling-in allowance of S$400 (once only)
    Economy class air passage to Singapore and back to home country upon completion of course
    Waiver of school fees (excluding miscellaneous fees)
    Waiver of GCE O-Level and A-Level examination fees (once only, if applicable)
    Subsidised medical benefits and accident insurance cover
    Bridging courses (if applicable, in Singapore before start of course)
    There is no bond attached to the scholarship

The application period for the 2013 ASEAN Scholarships for Indonesia is from 1 June 2012 (9.00 am) to 6 July 2012 (10.00 pm) Indonesia Time.

Please submit your application via our online application system.

Please refer to FAQs if you encounter difficulties during application.

For more information, please visit official website: www.moe.gov.sg
11:58 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Complete List of Dutch Institutions Offering PhD Studies

Complete List of Dutch Institutions Offering PhD Studies :

CICAT, Management Centre for International Cooperation
Mekelweg 2
2628 CD Delft
PO Box 5048
2600 CN Delft
Tel +31 (0)15 278 36 12
Fax +31 (0)15 278 11 79
Email cicat@tudelft.nl
Internet www.cicat.tudelft.nl

International Relations Office
PO Box 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
Tel + 31 (0)40 247 80 15
Fax + 31 (0)40 244 16 92
Email stuio@tue.nl
Internet www.tue.nl

Academic Affairs Division
PO Box 1738
3000 DR Rotterdam
Tel +31 (0)10 408 19 19
Fax +31 (0)10 408 90 03
Email scholarships@eur.nl
Internet www.eur.nl

PO Box 1935
3000 BX Rotterdam
Tel + 31 (0)10 408 98 25
Fax +31 (0)10 408 98 26
Email admission@ihs.nl
Internet www.ihs.nl

Student Office
PO Box 29776
2502 LT The Hague
Tel +31 (0)70 426 05 22
Fax +31 (0)70 426 07 99
Email student.office@iss.nl
Internet www.iss.nl

Research Coordinator
PO Box 6
7500 AA Enschede
Tel +31 (0)53 487 44 44
Fax +31 (0)53 487 44 00
Email research@itc.nl
Internet www.itc.nl/research

International Office
Pieterskerkhof 6
2311 SR Leiden
T: +31 (0)71 527 72 87
F: +31 (0)71 527 72 98
Email study@leidenuniv.nlstudy@io.leidenuniv.nl
Internet www.prospectivestudents.leiden.edu/

Endempolsdomein 150
6229 EP Maastricht
Tel +31 (0)43 387 08 22
Fax +31 (0)43 387 08 00
Email doctoral@msm.nl
Internet www.msm.nl

Maastricht University Centre for International Cooperation in Academic Development
PO Box 616
6200 MD Maastricht
Tel +31 (0)43 388 35 13
Fax +31 (0)43 325 07 33
Email han.aarts@mundo.unimaas.nl
Email hennie.sijen@mundo.unimaas.nl
Internet www.mundo.unimaas.nl

Nyenrode Research & Innovation Institute (NRI)
Straatweg 25-3621 BG
3621 BG Breukelen, The Netherlands
Tel +31 346 291 695
Fax +31 346 291 250
Email nri@nyenrode.nl
Internet www.nyenrode.nl

Koornmarkt 1
PO Box 5021
8260 GA Kampen
Tel +31 (0)38 337 16 00
Fax +31 (0)38 337 16 13
Email havandepoppesamvanschaik@pthu.nl
Internet www.pthu.nl

International Office
PO Box 9102
6500 HC Nijmegen
Tel +31 (0)24 361 60 55
Fax +31 (0)24 361 27 57
Email internationaloffice@io.ru.nl
Internet www.ru.nl/english

Development Research Institute (IVO)
PO Box 90153
5000 LE Tilburg
Tel +31 (0)13 466 22 64
Fax +31 (0)13 466 30 15
Email secr.ivo@uvt.nl
Internet www.uvt.nl/ivo

Department of Academic and Central Services
PO Box 3015
2601 DA Delft
Tel +31 (0)15 215 17 04
Fax +31 (0)15 212 29 21
Email info@unesco-ihe.org
Internet www.unesco-ihe.org

International Service Desk, Office of International Relations
PO Box 72
9700 AB Groningen
Tel +31 (0)50 363 81 81
Fax +31(0)50 363 71 00
Email isd@bureau.rug.nl
Internet www.rug.nl/prospectivestudents

International Student Affairs
Binnengasthuisstraat 9
1012 ZA Amsterdam
Tel +31 (0)20 525 80 80
Fax +31 (0)20 525 29 99
Email info@uva.nl
Internet www.uva.nl

Mr. R. van Boeschoten
PO Box 797
3500 AT Utrecht
Tel.+31 (0) 30 2390137
Fax+31 (0) 30 2340738
Email r.vanboeschoten@uvh.nl
Internet www.dba-uvh.nl

International Office
PO Box 217
7500 AE Enschede
Tel +31 (0)53 489 46 96
Fax +31 (0)53 489 38 44
Email k.f.paardekooper@utwente.nl
Internet http://intoffice.utwente.nl/

Onderwijs & Onderzoek
PO Box 80125
3508 TC Utrecht
Tel +31 (0)30 253 4278
Fax +31 (0)30 253 77 52
Email UB&D_OOINFO@uu.nl
Internet http://www.uu.nl

International Office
De Boelelaan 1105
1081 HV Amsterdam
Tel +31 (0)20 598 50 35
Fax +31 (0)20 598 50 52
Email em.mooijman@dienst.vu.nl
Internet www.vuamsterdam.com

Wageningen PhD Council (WPC)
PO Box 9101
6700 HB Wageningen
Tel +31 (0)317 483 363
Fax +31 (0)317 484 292
Email info@wur.nl
Internet www.wageningenuniversiteit.nl
11:55 AM | 0 comments | Read More

beasiswa FULL + biaya hidup di UNIST KOREA (Master & Doctoral Scholarships, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Korea)

beasiswa FULL + biaya hidup di UNIST KOREA (Master & Doctoral Scholarships, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), Korea) :
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Computer Systems & Networks
    Theoretical Computer Science
    Applied Computing
    Communication, Control, & Signal Processing
    Analog, Digital & RF Circuit Design
    Electronic Devices & Materials
    Plasma & Vacuum Electronics

School of Mechanical and Advanced Materials Engineering

    System Design and Manufacturing
    Intelligent Robotics
    Thermo fluid & Energy Systems
    Electronic Materials
    Structural Materials

School of Nano-Bioscience and Chemical

    Biomedical Science
    Nano biotechnology
    Chemical Engineering
    Polymer Science & Engineering

School of Design and Human Engineering

    Product Development & Innovation
    User Experience & User Interface Design
    Strategic Design
    Human Factors Engineering
    Color Science & Engineering
    Systems Engineering

School of Urban and Environmental Engineering

    Environmental Engineering
    Earth and Environmental Sciences
    Civil Engineering
    Urban Planning

Interdisciplinary School of Green Energy

    Energy Conversion
    Energy Storage
    Nano materials for Energy
    Battery Science and Technology
    Nuclear Science and Engineering

School of Natural Science

    Applied Mathematics

Technology Management

    Technology Management

If applicants cannot meet required criteria, they will not be admitted. Details on tests for each school will be informed later on.
No bachelor’s degree barriers for application (those applicants who majored in basic sciences (such as Physics, Chemistry, Life Science etc, are preferred)

Eligibility for Application
For Master’s and Combined Master’s-Doctoral Program

    Applicants holding a Bachelor’s degree
    Applicants who will have Bachelor’s Degree at February 2012
    Applicants who have educational background equivalent to the above.

For Doctoral Program

    Applicants holding a Master’s degree
    Applicants who will have Master’s Degree at February 2012
    Applicants who have educational background equivalent to the above.

Screening Process

    Documents Screening
    Personal Interview

International applicants can optionally have a telephone interview

Applicable Scores in English Tests
Official English Test Score (Requirements for graduation)

    TOEIC 800
    TOEFL(IBT) 80
    TOEFL(CBT) 213
    TOEFL(PBT) 550
    IELTS 6.5
    TEPS 650

The test date on the certificates should not be older than two years as from the deadline of online application

    Korean applicants must submit the score report from an official English test when they apply to UNIST. The above scores are a requirement for graduation, not for admission, and thus do not need to be met at the time of the application.
    Native English speakers are exempt from submitting a score. (U.S, Canada, U.K, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand) – When English is used as an official language in an applicant’s country, in addition to other languages, applicants are exempt from submitting a score when they apply for admission but must submit a certificate stating that they have completed all of their university courses in English for exemption.
    Except for the above case, every foreign applicant must submit an official English test score that exceeds the graduate standard.

Documents Deadline:

    2011 – 10 – 6
    2011 – 12 – 30
    2012 – 5 – 4
    2012 – 7 – 6

Required Documents

    One Completed Application Form (4cm×5cm photo attached)
    One Certificate of Graduation and Transcript
    Personal Statement and Study Plan (in English)
    All forms can be downloaded from admission web page
    Original Record of English Tests
    Others need documents qualifications proving your own research achievements

Documents sent to:
Admissions Team, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Banyeon-ri 100, Ulsan, 689-798, Republic of Korea Tel. +82-52- 217-1126 , Fax. +82-52- 217-1129, E-Mail: adm-g@unist.ac.kr

Additional Notice
Graduates from foreign universities – Certificate of Graduation and Transcript must be signed by registrar from the graduate school

Scholarship (Include tuition & living expenses)
UNIST Elite Fellowships

    Who may apply : Excellent applicants within the combined Master’s-Doctoral Program or the Doctoral program
    Number of Scholarships : Approximately 20 awards
    Scholarship: 30,000,000 per year (Selected students are not allowed to also hold an RA/TA scholarship)
    Term: 3 Years

Nobel R&D Fellowships :
Selected Ph.D course student supervised by Nobel laureates (UNIST Chair Professor) and UNIST academic advisor
Other condition is equal to Elite fellowship


    Students in master’s courses: above 840,000 per month
    Students in Ph.D courses: above 1,040,000 per month


    Students in master’s courses: above 940,000 per month
    Students in Ph.D. courses: above 1,140,000 per month

All Students can stay in the dormitory on campus

Important Information

    Admission shall be cancelled if a successful applicant fails to pay the registration deposit or the tuition fee to the bank designated by the university.
    Under no circumstance shall the submitted documents be returned.
    Applicants are granted only one admission in one school.
    The applicant is responsible for the disadvantages (including the cancellation of admission) caused by failure to submit required documents, errors or omissions in the documents, the failure to fulfill the requirements indicated in the guidelines, unclear addresses, correspondence failures, the failure to check the list of admitted candidates, the failure to execute procedures necessary to enter the country, etc).
    If the applicant gained admission in an illegal manner, such as forgery or alteration of documents or through translation errors on the documents, and this fact was found while at school (or after graduation), the admission shall be cancelled (or all the academic records shall be erased). Furthermore, if a criminal case is suspected, the student will be reported to the authorities in both countries in accordance with the law.
    All the documents should be translated into either English or Korean, and be notarized (or authenticated by a public notary).
    International students should provide their own insurance against injuries or sickness and the insurance compensation limits must be a minimum of US$10,000.
    Note: Travelers Insurance is available in Korea.
    UNIST will provide many chances for scholarships for international students to ensure that they have a secure life while here in Korea.

For more information, please visit official website: adm2.unist.ac.kr
11:52 AM | 0 comments | Read More

beasiswa FULL + biaya hidup di AUSTRALIA bidang IT (International PhD Scholarship in Computer Science, RMIT University, Australia)

School of Computer Science and IT International PhD Scholarship : If you are an excellent international student wishing to commence a PhD at the School of Computer Science and IT, this scholarship provides tuition fees and living costs.

Value and duration
The scholarship will cover PhD fees for up to three and a half years plus living costs of $15,000. A paid teaching assistantship may form part of the scholarship.

To be eligible for this scholarship you must:

    be an international student
    not be a citizen or permanent resident of Australia or New Zealand
    have graduated with first-class honours or equivalent results (e.g. a grade point average of at least 3.5 out of 4) from an excellent university
    meet the RMIT English requirement of an IELTS of 6.5 with no band less than 6.0 and preferably 7.0 or more
    show your potential to complete a PhD research project in the School through, for example, published works of academic standing such as theses, conference papers or journal articles
    if you are an excellent student who does not have any of the above, please submit an example of something you have written, this may be a written assignment for your degree, a proposal, or some similar piece of work.

How to apply
Please explore the research fields below and nominate the area(s) that interest you. To begin with, no formal PhD research proposal is required. The fields are:

    Information Storage, Analysis and Retrieval
    Intelligent Systems
    Software Engineering
    Distributed Systems and Networking

To apply, submit PDFs of certified documents, including your grades and completion certificate for any degrees completed, your CV and any research publications

Your research publications could include:

    an honours research thesis
    a masters by research thesis
    an internationally-refereed conference paper or journal

Documents detailing all the above, including contact details, should be emailed to csit.scholarships@rmit.edu.au

Once we have received your application we will communicate with you further by email, possibly having further discussion, Skype interview by an academic staff member, review of a relevant paper, or other interaction. If we are able to support your application through to the next stage you will be required to make a formal application via the official RMIT application process.

Close date
30 November 2012, to commence in Semester 1, 2013.

Terms and conditions
As the holder of this scholarship:

    You must be aware that if you obtain an APAI or equivalent this scholarship will cease.
    You may not work more than 10 hours/week while you hold this scholarship.
    You maintain good or better progress in your six monthly progress reports.

For more information, please visit official website: www.rmit.edu.au
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