Beasiswa BIDIKMISI 2012 untuk Lulusan SMA / SMK / Sederajat 2011 & 2012


Written By admin on Friday, January 20, 2012 | 4:04 PM

Lulusan satuan pendidikan SMA / SMK / MA / MAK atau bentuk lain yang sederajat tahun 2011 dan 2012 yang memiliki potensi akademik memadai dan kurang mampu secara ekonomi.
Bantuan biaya pendidikan diberikan sejak calon mahasiswa dinyatakan diterima di perguruan tinggi selama 8 (delapan) semester untuk program Diploma IV dan S1, dan selama 6 (enam) semester untuk program Diploma III.
Untuk program studi yang memerlukan pendidikan keprofesian atau sejenis, perpanjangan pendanaan difasilitasioleh PTN penyelenggara Bidikmisi.
Penyelenggara program Bidikmisi adalah seluruh perguruan tinggi yang diselenggarakan oleh pemerintah di bawah Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan yang selanjutnya disebut PTN.
Harga satuan bantuan biaya pendidikan tahun 2012 adalah sebesar Rp6.000.000,00 (enam juta rupiah) per mahasiswa per semester yang terdiri atas bantuan biaya hidup yang diserahkan kepada mahasiswa dan bantuan biaya penyelenggaraan pendidikan yang dikelola oleh PTN. Sumber dana berasal dari Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN).
  1. PTN menyeleksi penerima Bidikmisi sesuai kuota melalui pola:
    1. Seleksi Nasional yang terdiri atas SNMPTN (Undangan dan Ujian tulis);
    2. Seleksi Mandiri sesuai dengan ketentuan masing-masing PTN; atau
    3. UMPN bagi Politeknik.
  2. Persyaratan, mekanisme dan prosedur penerimaan melalui seleksi nasional SNMPTN mengikuti ketentuan panitia seleksi yang berlaku
  3. Pendistribusian kuota penerimaan masing-masing pola seleksi ditetapkan oleh PTN melalui surat keputusan pimpinan PTN yang ditembuskan ke Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi sebelum pola seleksi dilaksanakan dan dipublikasikan melalui media.
Persyaratan untuk mendaftar program Bidikmisi tahun 2012 sebagai berikut:
  1. Siswa SMA/SMK/MA/MAK atau bentuk lain yang sederajat yang akan lulus pada tahun 2012;
  2. Lulusan tahun 2011 yang bukan penerima Bidikmisi dan tidak bertentangan dengan ketentuan penerimaan mahasiswa baru di masing- masing PTN;
  3. Usia paling tinggi pada saat mendaftar adalah 21 tahun;
  4. Kurang mampu secara ekonomi sebagai berikut:
    1. Pendapatan kotor gabungan orangtua/wali sebesar-besarnya Rp3.000.000,00 setiap bulan;
    2. Pendapatan kotor gabungan orangtua/wali dibagi jumlah anggota keluarga sebesar-besarnya Rp600.000,00 setiap bulannya; dan
    3. Pendidikan orang tua/wali setinggi-tingginya S1 (Strata 1) atau Diploma 4.
  5. Untuk peserta seleksi SNMPTN Ujian Tulis dan Seleksi Mandiri harus memiliki potensi akademik memadai, yaitu masuk dalam 30% terbaik di sekolah (semester 4 dan 5 bagi yang akan lulus tahun 2012 atau semester 5 dan 6 bagi lulusan tahun 2011);
  6. Khusus SNMPTN jalur undangan hanya diperuntukkan bagi yang akan lulus tahun 2012 serta memiliki prestasi akademik tinggi dan konsisten berdasarkan pemeringkatan oleh Kepala Sekolah, yaitu masuk di dalam peringkat terbaik di sekolah yang sama pada semester 3, 4 dan 5 dengan ketentuan berdasarkan akreditasi (akreditasi sekolah untuk SMA dan MA atau akreditasi jurusan/bidang keterampilan untuk SMK dan MK), dengan rincian sebagai berikut:
    1. Akreditasi A: 50% terbaik dan konsisten di semester 3, 4 dan 5;
    2. Akreditasi B: 30% terbaik dan konsisten di semester 3, 4 dan 5;
    3. Akreditasi C: 15% terbaik dan konsisten di semester 3, 4 dan 5;
    4. Lainnya: 5% terbaik dan konsisten di semester 3, 4 dan 5.
  7. Pertimbangan khusus diberikan kepada pendaftar yang memenuhi persyaratan 1 s.d. 6, serta mempunyai prestasi ko-kurikuler maupun ekstra kurikuler paling rendah peringkat ke-3 di tingkat kabupaten/kota atau prestasi non kompetitif lain yang tidak ada pemeringkatan (contoh ketua organisasi siswa sekolah/OSIS);
  8. Potensi akademik dan prestasi yang dimaksud pada butir 5 dan 6 dinyatakan dengan surat rekomendasi Kepala Sekolah/Madrasah atau Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten/Kota sesuai dengan Lampiran 2;
  9. Pendaftar difasilitasi untuk memilih seleksi nasional dan/atau seleksi mandiri apabila mendaftar ke:
    1. Semua jenis seleksi nasional (SNMPTN Undangan dan/atau Ujian Tulis);
    2. Seleksi mandiri di 1 (satu) PTN dengan 2 (dua) program studi pilihan
  10. Memiliki kesehatan yang memadai sehingga tidak mengganggu kelancaran proses pembelajaran di perguruan tinggi;
  11. Tidak buta warna bagi program studi tertentu.
  1. Alokasi mahasiswa baru pada tahun anggaran 2012 adalah 30.000 orang yang didistribusikan kepada PTN di bawah Kemdikbud.
  2. Alokasi yang ditetapkan untuk setiap PTN disesuaikan dengan jumlah mahasiswa baru yang diterima setiap tahunnya dan/atau jumlah mahasiswa di PTN serta pertimbangan lainnya.
  3. Kuota untuk masing-masing program studi ditetapkan oleh masing-masing PTN melalui Surat Keputusan Rektor/Direktur/Ketua dan dilaporkan ke Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Kemdikbud, baik dipenuhi melalui pola Seleksi Nasional atau Seleksi Mandiri.
  1. Bantuan biaya hidup yang diserahkan kepada mahasiswa sekurang-kurangnya sebesar Rp600.000,00 (enam ratus ribu rupiah) per bulan yang ditentukan berdasarkan Indeks Harga Kemahalan daerah lokasi PTN;
  2. Bantuan biaya penyelenggaraan pendidikan yang dikelola PTN sebanyak-banyaknya Rp2.400.000,00 (dua juta empat ratus ribu rupiah) per semester per mahasiswa. Dalam pelaksanaannya PTN dapat melakukan subsidi silang antarprogram studi;
  3. Kelebihan bantuan biaya penyelenggaraan pendidikan digunakan untuk pembinaan mahasiswa penerima melalui berbagai bentuk kegiatan penunjang (seperti: pembinaan karakter / pelatihan kewirausahaan dan sejenisnya) yang sepenuhnya diatur oleh PTN;
  4. PTN menetapkan besaran bantuan biaya hidup dan bantuan biaya penyelenggaraan pendidikan melalui SK Rektor/Direktur/Ketua;
  5. Kekurangan bantuan biaya penyelenggaraan pendidikan di PTN, ditanggung oleh perguruan tinggi yang bersangkutan. PTN dapat mengupayakan dana dari sumber/pihak lain;
  6. PTN memfasilitasi penyediaan dana, sarana dan prasarana belajar mengajar kepada penerima Bidikmisi dengan sumber bantuan biaya penyelenggaraan pendidikan Bidikmisi atau sumber lain yang relevan;
  7. Ditjen Dikti membebaskan biaya pendaftaran seleksi nasional bagi pendaftar Bidikmisi;
  8. PTN membebaskan biaya pendaftaran seleksi mandiri bagi pendaftar Bidikmisi;
  9. Semua penggunaan dana harus dilaporkan ke Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi.
Tata cara pendaftaran Bidikmisi melalui SNMPTN, UMPN atau Seleksi Mandiri perguruan tinggi adalah sebagai berikut.
  1. Calon pendaftar mengajukan diri kepada Kepala Sekolah untuk direkomendasikan sebagai calon penerima program Bidikmisi.
  2. Kepala Sekolah/Madrasah menyeleksi siswa yang memenuhi syarat dan menyusunnya ke dalam sebuah rekomendasi yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan kebenarannya dengan menggunakan formulir pada Lampiran 2;
  3. Tahapan pendaftaran Bidikmisi
    1. Tahap 1. Sekolah mendaftarkan diri sebagai instansi pemberi rekomendasi ke dengan melampirkan hasil pindaian (scan) (Lampiran 2 bagian F) untuk mendapatkan nomor NISR (Nomor Identifikasi Sekolah Pemberi Rekomendasi). Untuk sekolah yang sudah mempunyai NISR, maka Tahap 1 ini dapat dilewati dan langsung ke Tahap 2;
    2. Tahap 2. Sekolah merekomendasikan masing-masing siswa melalui dengan menggunakan NISR untuk mendapatkan KA(Kode Akses) bagi masing-masing siswa yang direkomendasikan;
    3. Tahap 3. Calon yang direkomendasikan melakukan pendaftaran langsung menggunakan KA masing-masing secara on-line melalui laman kemudian mencetak formulir pendaftaran yang sudah terisi untuk disampaikan ke Kepala Sekolah/Madrasah beserta berkas persyaratan lainnya.
      Calon yang telah menyelesaikan proses pendaftaran Bidikmisi (menyelesaikan semua tahap di atas) akan mendapatkan KAP (Kode Akses Pendaftaran) yang digunakan pada seleksi nasional atau mandiri untuk mendapatkan pembebasan biaya pendaftaran.
  4. Calon mendaftar seleksi nasional atau mandiri menggunakan KAP yang telah diperoleh sesuai ketentuan masing-masing pola seleksi melalui alamat berikut.
    1. SNMPTN jalur Undangan melalui
    2. SNMPTN jalur Ujian Tulis melalui
    3. Seleksi Mandiri sesuai ketentuan masing-masing PTN
  5. Sekolah dan atau calon yang tidak dapat melakukan tahapan pendaftaran Bidikmisi (butir 3) secara on-line untuk Seleksi Mandiri karena alasan yang dapat dibenarkan, maka:
    1. Calon mengisi formulir yang disediakan oleh sekolah (formulir dapat diunduh di atau dan selanjutnya formulir yang telah diisi beserta berkas persyaratan lainnya disampaikan ke Kepala Sekolah.
    2. Kepala Sekolah mengirimkan formulir rekomendasi (Lampiran 2), formulir pendaftaran (Lampiran 3) berserta kelengkapan berkas lainnya secara kolektif kepada masing-masing Rektor/Direktur/Ketua PTN yang menyelenggarakan seleksi mandiri sesuai pilihan calon. Surat pengantar rekomendasi diberi keterangan perihal surat tentang ‘Pendaftaran Bidikmisi 2012’ (alamat PTN dapat dilihat dalam Lampiran 4).
Berkas yang harus dikirim meliputi:
  1. Berkas yang dilengkapi oleh calon yang akan lulus tahun 2012:
    1. Formulir pendaftaran yang telah diisi oleh calon yang bersangkutan (butir 5.a) yang dilengkapi dengan pasfoto berwarna ukuran 3×4 sebanyak 3 (tiga) lembar;
    2. Fotokopi Kartu Tanda Siswa (KTS) atau yang sejenis sebagai bukti siswa aktif;
    3. Fotokopi rapor semester 1 (satu) s.d. 5 (lima) yang dilegalisir oleh Kepala Sekolah;
    4. Surat keterangan tentang peringkat siswa di kelas dan bukti pendukung prestasi lain di bidang ko-kurikuler dan ekstrakurikuler yang disahkan (legalisasi) oleh Kepala Sekolah;
    5. Surat Keterangan Penghasilan Orang Tua/wali atau Surat Keterangan Tidak Mampu yang dapat dibuktikan kebenarannya, yang dikeluarkan oleh Kepala Desa/Kepala Dusun/instansi tempat orang tua bekerja/tokoh masyarakat;
    6. Fotokopi Kartu Keluarga;
    7. Fotokopi rekening listrik bulan terakhir (apabila tersedia aliran listrik) dan atau bukti pembayaran PBB dari orang tua/wali-nya (apabila mempunyai bukti pembayaran).
  2. Berkas yang dilengkapi oleh calon yang lulus tahun 2011:
    1. Formulir pendaftaran yang telah diisi oleh calon yang bersangkutan (butir 5.a) yang dilengkapi dengan pasfoto berwarna ukuran 3×4 sebanyak 3 (tiga) lembar;
    2. Surat keterangan lulus dari Kepala Sekolah;
    3. Fotokopi rapor semester 1 (satu) s.d. 6 (enam) yang dilegalisir oleh Kepala Sekolah;
    4. Fotokopi ijazah yang dilegalisir oleh Kepala Sekolah;
    5. Fotokopi nilai ujian akhir nasional yang dilegalisir oleh Kepala Sekolah;
    6. Surat keterangan tentang prestasi/peringkat siswa di kelas dan bukti pendukung prestasi lain di bidang ko-kurikuler dan ekstrakurikuler yang disahkan (legalisasi) oleh Kepala Sekolah;
    7. Surat Keterangan Penghasilan Orang tua/wali atau Surat Keterangan Tidak Mampu yang dapat dibuktikan kebenarannya, yang dikeluarkan oleh Kepala desa/Kepala dusun/Instansi tempat orang tua bekerja/tokoh masyarakat;
    8. Fotokopi Kartu Keluarga atau Surat Keterangan tentang susunan keluarga;
    9. Fotokopi rekening listrik bulan terakhir (apabila tersedia aliran listrik) dan atau bukti pembayaran PBB (apabila mempunyai bukti pembayaran) dari orang tua/wali-nya.
Sekolah harus memastikan PTN yang dipilih calon membuka kesempatan pola seleksi Bidikmisi. Informasi mengenai pola seleksi Bidikmisi di setiap PTN dapat dilihat dalam media informasi seleksi masuk perguruan tinggi.
PTN dapat melakukan seleksi Bidikmisi melalui seleksi nasional maupun seleksi mandiri.
  1. Seleksi Nasional
    1. PTN melakukan seleksi terhadap penerima rekomendasi Bidikmisi yang merupakan lulusan seleksi nasional (SNMPTN Jalur Undangan/Ujian Tulis) atau UMPN sesuai persyaratan dan kriteria yang ditetapkan oleh masing-masing PTN;
    2. Seleksi ditentukan oleh masing-masing PTN dengan memprioritaskan pendaftar yang paling tidak mampu secara ekonomi, pendaftar yang mempunyai potensi akademik yang paling tinggi, urutan kualitas Sekolah, dan memperhatikan asal daerah pendaftar. Untuk memastikan kondisi ekonomi pendaftar, akan lebih baik kalau PTN melakukan kunjungan ke alamat pendaftar;
    3. Kunjungan ke alamat pendaftar dapat dilakukan dengan mendayagunakan mahasiswa PTN yang bersangkutan atau PTN dari domisili pendaftar dengan mekanisme yang disetujui bersama.
    4. Hasil seleksi nasional calon mahasiswa diumumkan oleh panitia seleksi nasional dan diinformasikan ke Ditjen Dikti melalui Sistem Informasi Manajemen Bidikmisi.
  2. Seleksi Mandiri (Seleksi Lokal)
    PTN dapat melakukan seleksi Bidikmisi melalui seleksi mandiri perguruan tinggi dengan ketentuan:
    1. PTN melakukan seleksi terhadap pendaftar menggunakan jalur, persyaratan dan kriteria khusus yang ditetapkan oleh masing-masing PTN;
    2. Seleksi ditentukan oleh masing-masing PTN dengan memprioritaskan pendaftar yang paling tidak mampu secara ekonomi, pendaftar yang mempunyai potensi akademik yang paling tinggi, urutan kualitas Sekolah, dan memperhatikan asal daerah pendaftar. Untuk memastikan kondisi ekonomi pendaftar, dianjurkan kalau PTN melakukan kunjungan ke alamat pendaftar. Disamping itu dapat juga dilakukan verifikasi dan rekomendasi oleh penerima Bidikmisi sebelumnya.
    3. Apabila diperlukan tes lokal yang memerlukan kehadiran fisik pendaftar, maka seluruh biaya untuk mengikuti proses seleksi mandiri termasuk biaya transportasi dan akomodasi ditanggung oleh PTN yang bersangkutan;
    4. Hasil seleksi calon mahasiswa diumumkan oleh Rektor/Direktur /Ketua atau yang diberi wewenang melalui media yang dapat diakses oleh setiap pendaftar dan diinformasikan ke Ditjen Dikti melalui Sistem Informasi Manajemen Bidikmisi.
Ketentuan pembebasan biaya pendaftaran SNMPTN
  1. Calon peserta Bidikmisi terlebih dahulu harus mendaftar ke laman
  2. Calon peserta Bidikmisi yang dinyatakan memenuhi persyaratan oleh Ditjen Dikti akanmemperoleh KAP dan PIN untuk mendaftar SNMPTN Jalur Ujian Tertulis melalui laman, tanpa harus membayar biaya ujian.
  3. Calon peserta Bidikmisi yang dinyatakan tidak memenuhi persyaratan seleksi Jalur Undangan atau dinyatakan tidak diterima melalui seleksi Jalur Undangan, maka KAP dan PIN dapat digunakan kembali untuk mendaftar SNMPTN Jalur Ujian Tertulis tanpa harus membayar biaya ujian.
  4. Apabila calon peserta Bidikmisi telah dinyatakan lulus melalui seleksi Jalur Undangan dan berkeinginan untuk mendaftar SNMPTN Jalur Ujian Tertulis, maka PIN yang telah diperoleh dinyatakan tidak berlaku dan yang bersangkutan harus membayar biaya ujian dengan menggunakan KAP yang telah diperoleh sebelumnya.
Jadwal Pendaftaran Bidikmisi
Jadwal Pendaftaran Bidikmisi 2012 adalah sebagai berikut
  1. Bidikmisi untuk SNMPTN jalur undangan : 20 Januari 2012 – 29 Februari 2012
  2. Bidikmisi untuk SNMPTN jalur ujian tulis : 1 Mei 2012 – 29 Mei 2012
  3. Jadwal Pendaftaran Bidikmisi untuk Seleksi Mandiri mengikuti ketentuan masing masing PTN
For more information, please visit official website:
4:04 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Master Scholarships in Arts and Humanities, Netherlands

Amsterdam School of the Arts
Reinwardt Academie, Cultureel Heritage Department Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten (Amsterdam School of the Arts)
Dapperstraat 315, 1093 BS Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 – (0)20-5277100 Fax: 31 – (0)20-5277101
E-mail: Internet:

Master of Museology

Leading to: Master’s degree
Course duration: 18 months
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: University degree (Bachelor or postgraduate) in any field.
Professional requirements: Demonstrable knowledge of and experience in the museum field is preferred.
Other requirements: Personal motivation: Applicants are required to write an essay (1-2 pages) in which they explain their thoughts about the museum and heritage field in their country (or region). The essay should contain a description of how the applicant envisages their participation in this field and contributing to its development. Applicants are also asked to say how studying Museology could contribute to achieving their goals.
Gender category: 2. Contains compulsory modules dealing with gender

Leiden University
P.O. Box 9500, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 – (0)71-527 1111
E-mail: Internet:

African Studies

Leading to: MA
Course duration: 2 years
Next course begins: 1 September 2012; 1 February 2013
Academic application deadlines: 1 December 2011; 24 April 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012; 1 May 2012
Educational requirements: BA degree in African Studies or in a different discipline with a specialization in Africa. See for details.
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented


Leading to: MA
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 September 2012; 1 February 2013
Academic application deadlines: 1 December 2011; 24 April 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012; 1 May 2012
Educational requirements: BA degree (or equivalent) in Archaeology or a relevant discipline. See for details.
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented

Archaeology (Research)

Leading to: MA
Course duration: 2 years
Next course begins: 1 September 2012; 1 February 2013
Academic application deadlines: 1 December 2011; 24 April 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012; 1 May 2012
Educational requirements: BSc in Archaeology (or equivalent) or a relevant discipline (See
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented

Islamic Studies

Leading to: MA
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 September 2012; 1 February 2013
Academic application deadlines: 1 December 2011; 24 April 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012; 1 May 2012
Educational requirements: BA degree in Islamic Studies, or an equivalent degree from a recognised institution.
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented

MA African Studies

Leading to: MA
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 September 2012; 1 February 2013
Academic application deadlines: 1 December 2011; 24 April 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012; 1 May 2012
Educational requirements: BA in African Languages and Cultures, in African Studies or a relevant field (see website for details).
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented

MA International Relations – specialisation European Union Studies

Leading to: MA
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 September 2012; 1 February 2013
Academic application deadlines: 1 December 2011; 24 April 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012; 1 May 2012
Educational requirements: BA degree in European Studies or any of the related disciplines represented in the programme.
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented

MA Linguistics – specialisation Language diversity of Africa, Asia and Native America

Leading to: MA
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 September 2012; 1 February 2013
Academic application deadlines: 1 December 2011; 24 April 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012; 1 May 2012
Educational requirements: BA in African Languages and Cultures or an equivalent, or a Bachelor’s in Linguistics or relevant certificates from other universities.
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented

Theology and Religious Studies – specialisation Islam in the Contemporary West

Leading to: MA
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 September 2012; 1 February 2013
Academic application deadlines: 1 December 2011; 24 April 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012; 1 May 2012
Educational requirements: BA in Theology or Religious Studies or equivalent from a recognised university.
Gender category: 2. Contains compulsory modules dealing with gender

Maastricht University
P.O. Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 – (0)43-3884650 Fax: 31 – (0)43-3884864
E-mail: Internet:

European Studies

Leading to: MA
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: A bachelor’s degree from a European Studies programme or a relevant academic field (e.g.politics, law, history), which has provided sound foundations and insights into European issues, or which has provided some familiarity with the use of political scien
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented

European Studies on Society, Science and Technology

Leading to: MA
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Relevant bachelor’s degree in the humanities or social sciences
Other requirements: Written request: at least two specimens of writing, done in the undergraduate programme. A personal letter (800-1200 words) describing your motivation for joining the Cultures of Arts, Science and Technology programme. Two letters of recommendation. Language test.
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented

Research Master in European Studies

Takes (partly) place in: Germany
Leading to: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Academic bachelor’s degree
Professional requirements: Relevant working experience
Other requirements: Written request: a description of your bachelor programme: a letter of motivation indicating why you have chosen the Research Master European Studies at Maastricht University, why you expect that you will be able to complete the programme successfully, and what you feel you can contribute to the field: two examples of work done in preparation for your bachelor’s degree gradelist: a certified transcript of academic records (with certified translation for languages other than English, Dutch, German or French) certifiedcompetences: language test: Strong academic abilities, as testified by the quality of specimens of bachelor’s work and GPA.
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented

Protestant Theological University Kampen
P.O. Box 5021, 8260 GA Kampen, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 – (0)88-3371600 Fax: 31 – (0)88-3371613
E-mail: Internet:

Cross Cultural Theology

Leading to: Master’s degree
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 3 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Bachelor degree in theology or equivalent degree in theology
Other requirements: Lnguage proficiency: IELTS 6,0 TOEFL 80 (Internet Based test = IBT) or 213 (Computer Based test = CBT) or 550 (Paper Based test = PBT) or higher. Cambridge ESOl with a score of CAE – C
Gender category: 2. Contains compulsory modules dealing with gender

Radboud University Nijmegen
Faculty of Medical Aciences / Ethics, Philosophy and History of Medicine
P.O. Box 9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 – (0)24-3615320 Fax: 31 – (0)24-3540254

Erasmus Mundus Master of Bioethics

Takes (partly) place in: Belgium, Italy
Leading to: MSc
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Master’s degree in either: medical sciences, philosophy, nursing studies, theology, law, health care management.
Professional requirements: 3-10 years in health care.
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented

Radboud University Nijmegen
Faculty of Arts / Linguistics
P.O. Box 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 – (0)24-3612056 Fax: 31 – (0)24-3611070


Leading to: MA
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Bachelor, including 60 ECTS in linguistics.
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented

Radboud University Nijmegen
Faculty of Philosophy
P.O. Box 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 – (0)24-3612056 Fax: 31 – (0)24-3611070


Leading to: MA
Course duration: 2 years
Next course begins: 1 September 2012; 1 February 2013
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012; 24 April 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012; 1 May 2012
Educational requirements: BA in Philosophy.
Other requirements: Average grade in philosophy in the 2nd and 3rd year of the Bachelors degree studies must be the equivalent of 7.5 or more (on the Dutch scale of 10. BA thesis must be the equivalent of a grade of 8 or more (on the Dutch scale of 10). assessment interview: The programme coordinator, prof. dr. Ch. Lüthy, will be glad to reply to queries and help with the formulation of an application (
Gender category: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available

Radboud University Nijmegen
Faculty of Theology
P.O. Box 9103, 6500 HD Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 – (0)24-3612056 Fax: 31 – (0)24-3611070


Leading to: MA
Course duration: 2 years
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Bachelor’s degree in Theology.
Other requirements: Motivation letter, academic transcript.
Gender category: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available

University of Groningen
Faculty of Arts
P.O. Box 716, 9700 AS Groningen, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 – (0)50-3635800
E-mail: Internet:

Applied linguistics

Leading to: MA
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Bachelor’s degree form an accredited university in the field of English language, another foreign language, Applied Linguistics, Linguistics or Education.
Gender category: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available

Applied Linguistics: Teaching English as a Foreign

Leading to: MA
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: BA in modern languages, linguistics or education.
Gender category: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available

Clinical Linguistics / EMCL

Takes (partly) place in: Germany, Finland
Leading to: MA
Course duration: 2 years
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Bachelor degree in speech and language pathology, linguistics, biomedical sciences, psychology or language impairment.
Other requirements: Students must be willing to follow part of the programme at one or more of the partner universities.
Gender category: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available


Leading to: MA
Course duration: 2 years
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Bachelor’s diploma in Linguistics, Clinical Linguistics, Speech and Hearing, Language Studies, Communication Science, Humanities Computing
Other requirements: Excellent academic record, letter of motivation and letters of recommendation.
Gender category: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available

Literary and cultural studies

Leading to: MA
Course duration: 2 years
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Bachelor’s diploma in a field related to Language and Cultural or Arts Studies (with a specialization in Culture, Film/TV, Theatre, Music, Literature or multi- and new media), Art Policy and Management.
Other requirements: Additional subject: The selection procedure is based on an evaluation of degree certificates, proficiency in English (min. 620 TOEFL or min. 7 IELTS), staff references and transcripts of records.
Gender category: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available

Modern History and International Relations

Leading to: MA
Course duration: 2 years
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: BA in History, International Relations, American Studies or related fields.
Other requirements: Excellent academic record, letter of motivation and letters of recommendation.
Gender category: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available

University of Groningen
Faculty of Philosophy
Oude Boteringestraat 52, 9712 GL Groningen, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 – (0)50-3636161 Fax: 31 – (0)50-3636160
E-mail: Internet:


Leading to: MA
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Relevant bachelor’s degree
Gender category: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available

Philosophy: Knowledge and Knowledge Development

Leading to: MA
Course duration: 2 years
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Bachelor’s degree in philosophy or equivalent.
Other requirements: Statement of motivation; letters of reference, curriculum vitae, transcript of records. grade average. A minimum English language requirement: a TOEFL score of 92 computer-based or a score of 6.5 in IELTS (International English Language Testing System). The tests are not required of native speakers.
Gender category: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available

University of Twente
ITC, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation of the University of Twente
P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 – (0)53-4893836 Fax: 31 – (0)53-4891104

Philosophy of Science, Technology and Society

Leading to: MSc
Course duration: 24 months
Next course begins: 24 August 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: BSc degree (or equivalent) of a high quality and level. The main subject of the BSc study should match the envisaged UT MSc-programme.
Gender category: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available

Utrecht University
Faculty of Humanities
P.O. Box 80103, 3508 TC Utrecht, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 – (0)30-2534399 Fax: 31 – (0)30-2539410
E-mail: Internet:

Applied Ethics

Leading to: MA
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 September 2012; 1 February 2013
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012; 24 April 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012; 1 May 2012
Educational requirements: BSc degree
Other requirements: Basic academic competence in Ethics
Gender category: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available

Conflict Studies and Human Rights

Leading to: MA
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Bachelor’s degree with courses related to the field of human rights / conflict studies.
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented
4:02 PM | 0 comments | Read More

PhD Student in Neurogenesis, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

The Faculty of Science occupies a leading position internationally in its fields of research and participates in a large number of cooperative programmes with universities, research institutes and businesses. The faculty has a student body of around 3,000 and 1,500 members of staff, spread over eight research institutes and a number of faculty-wide support services. A considerable part of the research is made possible by external funding from Dutch and international organisations and the private sector. The Faculty of Science offers thirteen Bachelor’s degree programmes and eighteen Master’s degree programmes in the fields of the exact sciences, computer science and information studies, and life and earth sciences.

Since September 2010, the whole faculty has been housed in a brand new building at the Science Park in Amsterdam. The installment of the faculty has made the Science Park one of the largest centres of academic research in the Netherlands.

The Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences (SILS) is one of the Faculty’s largest institutes. Its approximately 200 scientists and staff members work in 13 research groups that perform excellent research centered on four themes: 1) The Living Cell, 2) Plant Signaling, 3) Neuroscience, and 4) Life Science Technologies.

The candidate will carry out a research project concentrating on the regulation of adult neurogenesis by hormones and microRNAs in animal models of epilepsy.

Within the research group Structural and Functional Plasticity of the Nervous System (Center for Neuroscience, theme 3), we offer a vacancy for a

PhD Student in Neurogenesis
38 hours per week
vacancy number W11-213

Neurogenesis, the generation of neurons, is a delicately controlled process. In the adult hippocampus, a complex balance of factors keeps it within physiological range. In pathological situations, neurogenesis is aberrantly induced. This is well proven in animal models of epilepsy. This aberrant neurogenesis correlates with hallmarks of epilepsy in human brain.

Alterations in neurogenesis are not unique to the epileptic brain. Alterations have been linked to other neurologic disorders such as addiction, stress and depression, stroke, schizophrenia and others.

In the laboratory, we extensively use confocal microscopy techniques, molecular biology and a wide range of RNAi effectors from synthetic siRNAs to short hairpin RNAs and artificial microRNAs. In combination with viruses engineered and optimized to deliver RNAi effectors to stem cells and newborn neurons in the hippocampus in vivo, our experimental approach provides and excellent opportunity to contribute substantially to a currently booming scientific field.


A master/academic degree in Neuroscience, Biochemistry, Molecular biology or equivalent;
Experience with handling laboratory animals, basic molecular biological techniques, immunohistochemistry and cell culture are a pre-requisite. Experience with stereotaxic surgery and electrophysiology is a plus. Experience with animal models of epilepsy and confocal microscopy is well appreciated;
Highly motivated, positive attitude;
The ability to work independently as part of a team;
Fluent use of the English language in written and verbal forms.

Further information
Project information can be obtained from Dr. Carlos P. Fitzsimons, e-mail:

Please do not send applications to Dr. Carlos P. Fitzsimons; send them to instead. Please find more application information below.

The full-time appointment will be on a temporary basis for a maximum period of four years (18 months plus a further 30 months after a positive evaluation) and should lead to a dissertation (PhD thesis). An educational plan will be drafted that includes attendance of courses and (international) meetings. The PhD student is also expected to assist in teaching of undergraduates.

Based on a full-time appointment (38 hours per week) the gross monthly salary will range from € 2042,-,- in the first year and € 2612,- in the final year, according to the Dutch salary scales for PhD students. The collective employment agreement (CAO) of Dutch universities is applicable.

Job application
Applications, quoting the vacancy number and marked strictly confidential (in the upper left-hand corner of the envelope) should include a curriculum vitae. Applications should be sent to:

Dienst Personeelszaken
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Faculteit der Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Informatica
Postbus 94216
1090 GE Amsterdam
the Netherlands.

Applications may also be emailed to, bearing the vacancy number in the subject line and relevant documents as attachments.

The closing date for application is January 31, 2012.
4:00 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Master Scholarships in Business Administration and Management, Netherlands

Business School Netherlands
P.O. Box 709, 4116 ZJ Buren, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 – (0)344-579030 Fax: 31 – (0)344-579050
E-mail: Internet:

International Action Learning MBA (E-learning)

Leading to: MBA
Course duration: 24 Months
Next course begins: 6 September 2012; 21 February 2013
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012; 24 April 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012; 1 May 2012
Educational requirements: MBA students have finalised at least a Bachelor’s study and are employed in a management or management trainee position.
Professional requirements: MBA students must hold a management or management trainee position. Prior experience is acknowledged.
Other requirements: A company declaration is required to underwrite the Action Learning principle.
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented

Delft Unesco-IHE
P.O. Box 3015, 2601 DA Delft, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 – (0)15-2151715 Fax: 31 – (0)15-2122921
E-mail: Internet:

MSc in Water Services Management

Leading to: MSc
Course duration: 18,5 months
Next course begins: 18 October 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: BSc degree or equivalent qualification in a relevant field from a recognised university
Professional requirements: Preferably 2 to 3 years of practical or research work experience.
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented

Erasmus University Rotterdam
P.O. Box 1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 – (0)10-4089764 Fax: 31 – (0)10-4530309
E-mail: Internet:

Accounting, Auditing and Control

Leading to: Msc
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Bachelor degree.
Professional requirements: 1-2 years of relevant work experience.
Other requirements: In some circumstances the Admission Committee may request an interview with the candidate to assess his/her language skills.
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented

Erasmus University Rotterdam
RSM Erasmus University / MFM Programme
J3-07, Burgemeester Oudlaan 50, 3062 PA Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 – (0)10-4089585 Fax: 31 – (0)10-4529509
E-mail: Internet:

Financial Management

Leading to: MSc
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Completed (under)graduate degree at a recognized institution.
Professional requirements: At least 2 years of relevant work experience.
Other requirements: Assessment interview: GMAT/GRE; TOEFL/IELTS; 2 letters of recommendation, personal interview.
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented

Erasmus University Rotterdam
P.O. Box 1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 – (0)10-4089764 Fax: 31 – (0)10-4530309
E-mail: Internet:


Leading to: MA
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 January 2013
Academic application deadlines: 24 April 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 1 May 2012
Educational requirements: Recognized university degree.
Professional requirements: At least 3 years post-graduate work experience.
Other requirements: Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), 3 essyas, CV, 2 references, personal interview.
Gender category: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available

Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen
International Business School
P.O. Box 3037, 9701 DA Groningen, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 – (0)50-5954051 Fax: 31 – (0)50-5954999
E-mail: Internet:

Master of Business Administration

Leading to: MBA
Course duration: 14 months
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Bachelor degree
Professional requirements: Minimum 3 years of relevant work experience
Other requirements: Language test: IELTS 6.5 or TOEFL 575
Gender category: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available

MBA in International Business and Management

Takes (partly) place in: United Kingdom (optional)
Leading to: MBA and MA (optional)
Course duration: 14 months
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Bachelor degree in a business-related field
Professional requirements: Minimum 2 years of relevant work experience
Other requirements: Language test: IELTS 6.5 or TOEFL 575
Gender category: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available

Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), Erasmus University Rotterdam
P.O. Box 1935, 3000 BX Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 – (0)10-4089825 Fax: 31 – (0)10-4089826
E-mail: Internet:

Urban Economics and Competitiveness (UEC)

Leading to: MSc
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 12 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in a relevant subject area, e.g. architecture, urban/town planning, civil engineering, environmental engineering, sociology, geography, anthropology, economics, public administration, etc.
Professional requirements: At least 1 year of work experience, but the more relevant work experience the better
Other requirements: Excellent academic performance can make up for less work experience; Basic computer skills.
Gender category: 1. Subject is gender-oriented

Maastricht School of Management (MSM)
P.O. Box 1203, 6201 BE Maastricht, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 – (0)43-3870808 Fax: 31 – (0)43-3610800
E-mail: Internet:

Master of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance (MBA A&F)

Leading to: MBA
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 17 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field of study or its professional equivalent.
Professional requirements: 3+ years working experience, preferably in a management position.
Gender category: 2. Contains compulsory modules dealing with gender

Master of Business Administration in Corporate Strategy and Economic Policy (MBA CSEP)

Leading to: MBA
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 17 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field of study.
Professional requirements: 3+ years working experience, preferably in a management position.
Gender category: 2. Contains compulsory modules dealing with gender

Master of Business Administration in International Business (MBA IB)

Takes (partly) place in: China
Leading to: MBA
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 17 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field of study.
Professional requirements: 3+ years working experience, preferably in a management position.
Gender category: 2. Contains compulsory modules dealing with gender

Master of Business Administration in Management Information Systems (MBA MIS)

Leading to: MBA
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 17 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Bachelor’s degree in a relevant field of study.
Professional requirements: 3+ years work experience, preferably in a management position.
Gender category: 2. Contains compulsory modules dealing with gender

NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences
Academy for Tourism
P.O. Box 3917, 4800 DX Breda, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 – (0)76-5302203 Fax: 31 – (0)76-5302205
E-mail: Internet:

Master in Imagineering

Leading to: Master’s degree
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: The regular master programme is aimed at students with a Bachelor’s Degree, preferable a Bachelor in Business Administration, in a relevant field of study, e.g. tourism management, leisure management, sports management, culture management, business manage
Professional requirements: Professional experience is preferred, however a study related work programme may be accepted as an alternative.
Other requirements: Motivation and personal qualities are criteria for admission, assessed during intake interview (by telephone). Sufficient level of English.
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented

Saxion University of Applied Science Deventer
Hospitality Business School
P.O. Box 501, 7400 AM Deventer, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 – (0)570-603789 Fax: 31 – (0)570-663628
E-mail: Internet:

Master in Business Administration (MBA)

Leading to: MBA
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 17 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Bachelor degree in a related business field.
Professional requirements: 2 years professional experience (at least at Bachelor level) in a relevant field is required.
Other requirements: The student must demonstrate that they have the ability, motivation and determination to successfully complete the course. The student must have sufficient English language skills for the specific course. The students’ qualifications will be assessed by the Admission Officer of the specific Course on the basis of provided Diplomas, Curriculum Vitae, a letter of motivation and if necessary an Intake Interview.
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented

Master in Management

Leading to: MA
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 17 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Bachelor degree in a related business field.
Professional requirements: 1 year professional experience (at least at Bachelor level) in a relevant field is required.
Other requirements: The student must demonstrate that they have the ability, motivation and determination to successfully complete the course; The student must have sufficient English language skills for the specific course; The students’ qualifications will be assessed by the Admission Officer of the specific Course on the basis of provided Diplomas, Curriculum Vitae, a letter of motivation and if necessary an Intake Interview.
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented

The Hague University of Applied Sciences
P.O. Box 19050, 2500 CB The Hague, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 – (0)70-4458900 Fax: 31 – (0)70-4458194
E-mail: Internet:

Master in Accounting and Control (MAAC)

Leading to: Master’s degree
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 23 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Bachelor’s Degree in related field
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Leading to: Master’s degree
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 23 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Bachelor’s degree (BA-BSc)
Professional requirements: Preferably 1 year of work experience on management level.
Other requirements: Math test: GMAT voluntary/preferred 500.
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented

University of Groningen
Faculty of Economics and Business
P.O. Box 800, 9700 AV Groningen, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 – (0)50-3637343 Fax: 31 – (0)50-3632341
E-mail: Internet:

Business Administration

Leading to: MSc
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: BSc/BA degree: business studies; business administration or equivalent. In the event of deficiencies, you may qualify for the 1-year pre-programme.
Other requirements: mathtest: GMAT (mathematics test) score: ? 600 or higher: you will be automatically accepted, provided you meet all other requirements ? 500 or higher: the final decision will be taken by the Board of Admissions
Gender category: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available

Human Resource Management

Leading to: MSc
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: BSc/BA degree: business studies; business economics; organizational psychology; sociology; law. Basic knowledge of HRM and organizational theory.
Gender category: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available

International Business and Management

Leading to: MSc
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Pre-university diploma/international or European Baccalaureate that includes the subjects maths higher/standard and English.
Other requirements: additional subject: GMAT (mathematics test)
Gender category: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available

Technology Management

Leading to: MSc
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: BSc in technology management.
Gender category: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available

University of Twente
P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 – (0)53-4895489 Fax: 31 – (0)53-4894340

Business Administration

Leading to: MSc
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 24 August 2012; 1 February 2013
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012; 24 April 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012; 1 May 2012
Educational requirements: Relevant BSc degree
Other requirements: GMAT score of 600, CGPA of at least 80%, IELTS 6,5
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented

Educational Science and Technology

Leading to: MSc
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 24 August 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: BSc degree (or equivalent) of a high quality and level. The main subject of the BSc study should match the envisaged UT MSc-programme.
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented

Public Administration

Leading to: Msc
Course duration: 12 months
Next course begins: 24 August 2012; 30 January 2013
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012; 24 April 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012; 1 May 2012
Educational requirements: BSc in a related field
Other requirements: IELTS 6.5
Gender category: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available

VU University Amsterdam
De Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 – (0)20-5985585 Fax: 31 – (0)20-5986112
E-mail: Internet:

Accounting & Control

Leading to: MSc
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: An academic bachelor degree that has covered courses in Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Quantitative Methods and Financial Statement Analysis.
Other requirements: All students need to proof their English proficiency with an IELTS (minimum score 6.5), TOEFL (minimum score 92) or Cambridge certificate (Advanced English). Applicants are admissible if they hold at least a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited university and meet the language and Master’s specific entry requirements.
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented

Business Administration (7 specializations)

Leading to: MSc
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: A degree equal to a VU academic bachelor’s degree and your curriculum must have included courses in the specialization area of your choice.
Other requirements: All students need to proof their English proficiency with an IELTS (minimum score 6.5), TOEFL (minimum score 92) or Cambridge certificate (Advanced English). Applicants are admissible if they hold at least a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited university and meet the language and Master’s specific entry requirements.
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented

Econometrics and Operations Research

Leading to: MSc
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: A degree equal to a VU bachelor’s degree and must have included courses like calculus, econometrics, statistics, probability theory and programming language (C++, Matlab etc).
Other requirements: All students need to proof their English proficiency with an IELTS (minimum score 6.5), TOEFL (minimum score 92) or Cambridge certificate (Advanced English). Applicants are admissible if they hold at least a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited university and meet the language and Master’s specific entry requirements.
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented


Leading to: MSc
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: A degree equal to a VU academic bachelor’s degree including courses like Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Econometrics, Statistics and Mathematics
Other requirements: All students need to proof their English proficiency with an IELTS (minimum score 6.5), TOEFL (minimum score 92) or Cambridge certificate (Advanced English). Applicants are admissible if they hold at least a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited university and meet the language and Master’s specific entry requirements.
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented


Leading to: MSc
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: A degree equal to a VU academic bachelor’s degree and including courses like corporate finance, investments, quantitative methods and statistics.
Other requirements: All students need to proof their English proficiency with an IELTS (minimum score 6.5), TOEFL (minimum score 92) or Cambridge certificate (Advanced English).
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented

Management, Policy-Analysis and Entrepreneurship in Health and Life Sciences

Leading to: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: BSc in health sciences or life sciences or equivalent.
Other requirements: Written request: motivation, cv and references. Grade list.
Gender category: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available


Leading to: MSc
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Your former degree must be equal to a VU academic bachelor’s degree and must have included courses like Consumer Behavior, Research Methods and (Services) Marketing.
Other requirements: All students need to proof their English proficiency with an IELTS (minimum score 7), TOEFL (minimum score 100) or Cambridge certificate (Advanced English).
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented

MSc Finance: Honours Track Quantitative Finance

Leading to: MSc
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Your former degree must be equal to a VU academic bachelor’s degree and must have included courses like calculus, econometrics, investments, statistics, probability and programming language.
Other requirements: All students need to proof their English proficiency with an IELTS (minimum score 6.5), TOEFL (minimum score 92) or Cambridge certificate (Advanced English).
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented

MSc in Spatial, Transport and Environmental Economics

Leading to: MSc
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Your former degree must be equal to our academic bachelor’s degree and must have included courses Microeconomics, Econometrics, Regional Economics, Transport Economics, Environmental Economics and Mathematics.
Other requirements: All students need to proof their English proficiency with an IELTS (minimum score 6.5), TOEFL (minimum score 92) or Cambridge certificate (Advanced English).
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented

Wageningen University
P.O. Box 9101, 6700 HB Wageningen, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 – (0)317-484848 Fax: 31 – (0)317-484884
E-mail: Internet:

Food Quality Management

Leading to: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Bachelor’s degree in animal sciences, plant sciences, food technology, management and/or consumer studies or related fields.
Other requirements: Grade Point Average of at least 70%; good skills in mathematics and/or statistics; basic computer skills.
Gender category: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available
3:58 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Ajinomoto Indonesia Postgraduate Scholarship, University of Tokyo, Japan

Apply for a post graduate scholarship to University Of Tokyo. If you…..

Are highly interested to pursue an overseas master degree in the field of science and technology: Engineering, Pharmaceutical, Mathematical, Agriculture, IT Sciences (except Medicine & Veterinary Medicine) with minimum GPA 3.50.
Posses an excellent academic performance and has strong sense of Indonesia nationalism and leadership.
Completed at least 16 years of formal education (inclusive elementary, junior/senior high school and College) or shall be graduating from College by March 2012.
Will not be more than 35 years of age by 1 April 2013 and will not be receiving other scholarship.
Must be in good physical and mental health and have a strong motivation for learning.
Have the strong desire to learn the Japanese Language & Culture since its proficiency level shall be used as a pre-requisite to majority of the courses for graduate school acceptance
Pass the screening and selection process in Ajinomoto Indonesia.
Pass the required grade needed for exams such as Test of English as Foreign Language (TOEFL), Graduate Records Examination (GRE) and Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)

Then you could be the recipient of …..

JPY 150,000/monthly allowance (maximum for 1 year) for a research graduate school student.
JPY 180,000/monthly allowance (maximum for 2 years) for a master’s course graduate school student.
JPY 200,000 airfare coverage (to and from Japan)
Full coverage of Examination, Admission and Tuition fees.

Types of Ajinomoto Scholarship:

Master’s Student Program: a. Must be able to pass level 3 (basic level) of Japanese Language Proficiency test. b. Entire program should be finished within two years. c. Should able to submit required documentation to the University of Tokyo for the chosen field of study.
Research Student Program + Master’s Student Program: a. Must be able to pass level 3 (basic level) of Japanese Language Proficiency test. b. Entire program should be finished by three years.
Place your accomplished application form in the following documents in a envelope:
(3) Passport size photos, taken within 6 months
Certified true copy of Transcript of Records
Certified true copy of University/College Diploma
(2) Accomplished Recommendation Form from either University President, Dean or Academic Adviser.
Documents to be submit: Application Form, Recommendation Form, Field & Study Program Form.

Send all documents to:

Jln. Laksda Yos Sudarso 77-78, Sunter
Jakarta 14350
Attn: CSR Committee
Phone: 021-65304455 Fax: 021-65308119

Not later than March 16th, 2012

(Only short listed eligible candidates will be invited for interview in Jakarta)

Note: Documents submitted will not be returned under any circumstances.

Application Forms, Recommendation Forms, Guideline etc. will be sent by email, please send formal written request to:

For more information, please visit official website:
3:56 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Master Scholarships in Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery, Netherlands

CAH Dronten University of Applied Sciences
Department of International Studies and Consultancy
De Drieslag 1, 8251 JZ Dronten, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 – (0)321-386100 Fax: 31 – (0)321-313040
E-mail: Internet:

Agribusiness Development

Leading to: Master’s degree
Course duration: 11 months
Next course begins: 20 August 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Relevant academic Bachelor
Other requirements: Assessment interview: Students will be assessed on motivation and language skills and needs to show 3 references.
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented

Delft Unesco-IHE
P.O. Box 3015, 2601 DA Delft, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 – (0)15-2151715 Fax: 31 – (0)15-2122921
E-mail: Internet:

MSc in Agricultural Water Management for Enhanced Land and Water Productivity with AIT, Bangkok, Thailand

Takes (partly) place in: Thailand
Leading to: MSc
Course duration: 22 months
Next course begins: 15 August 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: BSc degree or equivalent qualification in a relevant field from a recognised university
Professional requirements: Preferably 2 to 3 years of practical or research work experience
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented

Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences, Wageningen
P.O. Box 411, 6700 AK Wageningen, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 – (0)317-486262 Fax: 31 – (0)317-486280
E-mail: Internet:

Master in Agricultural Production Chain Management – Horticulture Chains

Leading to: Master’s degree
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 October 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Bachelor degree in relevant subject
Professional requirements: 2 years of relevant working experience
Other requirements: grade list, language test
Gender category: 2. Contains compulsory modules dealing with gender

Master in Agricultural Production Chain Management – Livestock Chains

Leading to: Master’s degree
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 October 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Bachelor degree in relevant subject
Professional requirements: 2 years of relevant working experience
Other requirements: grade list, language test
Gender category: 2. Contains compulsory modules dealing with gender

Master in Management of Development – Rural Development and Communication

Leading to: Master’s degree
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 October 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Bachelor degree in relevant subject
Professional requirements: 2 years of relevant working experience
Other requirements: grade list, language test
Gender category: 2. Contains compulsory modules dealing with gender

Master in Management of Development – Rural Development and Food Security

Leading to: Master’s degree
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 October 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Bachelor degree in relevant subject
Professional requirements: 2 years of relevant working experience
Other requirements: grade list, language test
Gender category: 2. Contains compulsory modules dealing with gender

Master in Management of Development – Rural Development and Gender

Leading to: Master’s degree
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 October 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Bachelor degree in relevant subject
Professional requirements: 2 years of relevant working experience
Other requirements: grade list, language test
Gender category: 1. Subject is gender-oriented

Master in Management of Development – Rural Development and HIV/AIDS

Leading to: Master’s degree
Course duration: 1 year
Next course begins: 1 October 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Bachelor degree in relevant subject
Professional requirements: 2 years of relevant working experience
Other requirements: grade list, language test
Gender category: 1. Subject is gender-oriented

Wageningen University
P.O. Box 9101, 6700 HB Wageningen, The Netherlands
Phone: 31 – (0)317-484848 Fax: 31 – (0)317-484884
E-mail: Internet:

Development and Rural Innovation

Leading to: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Grade Point Average of at least 70%; good skills in mathematics and/or statistics; basic computer skills.
Other requirements: Bachelor’s degree in a technical science, life science or relevant management study.
Gender category: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available

Food Safety

Leading to: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Bachelor’s degree in agriculture, the food or health sciences or related fields.
Other requirements: Grade average: Minimum gpa of 7.0 Grade Point Average of at least 70%; good skills in mathematics and/or statistics; basic computer skills.
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented

Food Technology

Leading to: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Bachelor’s degree in the agri-food sciences, food technology, biotechnology, chemical engineering or related fields.
Other requirements: Grade Point Average of at least 70%; good skills in mathematics and/or statistics; basic computer skills.
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented

Forest and Nature Conservation

Leading to: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: BSc degree in forestry, nature conservation or other related environmental and social sciences.
Other requirements: Grade Point Average of at least 70%; good skills in mathematics and/or statistics; basic computer skills.
Gender category: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available

Management, Economics and Consumer Studies

Leading to: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Socio-economic Bachelor’s degree or a life sciences degree. Requirement differ per specialisation.
Other requirements: Grade Point Average of at least 70%; good skills in mathematics and/or statistics; basic computer skills.
Gender category: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available

Nutrition and Health

Leading to: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
Next course begins: 1 September 2012
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012
Educational requirements: Grade Point Average of at least 70%; good skills in statistics; basic computer skills.
Other requirements: Grade average: gpa 70% languagetest: At least a Bachelor’s degree in Nutrition, Health or related sciences.
Gender category: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available

Organic Agriculture

Leading to: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
Next course begins: 1 September 2012; 1 February 2013
Academic application deadlines: 31 January 2012; 24 April 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 7 February 2012; 1 May 2012
Educational requirements: Bachelor’s degree in the agricultural sciences, social sciences, biology, economics or related fields.
Other requirements: Grade Point Average of at least 70%; good skills in mathematics and/or statistics; basic computer skills.
Gender category: 3. Gender-oriented modules are available

Plant Sciences

Leading to: MSc
Course duration: 2 years
Next course begins: 1 February 2013
Academic application deadlines: 24 April 2012
Fellowship application deadline: 1 May 2012
Educational requirements: Bachelor’s degree in biology, agriculture, horticulture, life sciences or related fields.
Other requirements: Grade Point Average of at least 70%; good skills in mathematics and/or statistics; basic computer skills.
Gender category: 4. Subject is not gender-oriented

For more info, please read: The Netherlands Fellowship Programmes (NFP) for Master Degree
3:52 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Edinburgh Global Undergraduate Scholarships, University of Edinburgh, UK

Scholarships are offered to students who are nationals of countries outwith the EU for undergraduate study in any subject offered by the University.

A minimum of 15 scholarships are available for the 2012-2013 session with each award worth £2,000 per year. Awards are tenable for the duration of the programme of study.

The scholarships are competitive and awarded broadly on the basis of academic merit.

They are awarded to students who are accepted for admission on a full-time basis for undergraduate study at the University of Edinburgh.

Students already on a programme are not eligible.

Applicants must also be nationals of a country outwith the EU.

Eligible applicants should complete an online scholarship application.

All applications must be submitted no later than 2 April 2012.

Please note that you will not be able to access the online application form unless you have applied for admission to the University of Edinburgh and have full EASE authentication.

Scholarships and Student Funding Services
The University of Edinburgh
Old College
South Bridge
Edinburgh, EH8 9YL
Work: +44 (0)131 651 4070
Fax: +44 (0)131 651 4066

Notification of award
A University of Edinburgh Selection Committee will meet in May 2012 to select the scholarship holders.

The winners of the scholarship will be announced in late May 2012.

For more information, please visit official website:
3:31 PM | 0 comments | Read More